AbHerï Fukuoka Store

Tenjin Area
Tenjin, where the AbHerï ’s Fukuoka store is located, is the number one downtown area in Kyushu.

Buildings housing stores of fashionable brands line the streets and old department stores, drug stores, and mass home appliance retailers stand side by side.

The image concept of “AbHerï Fukuoka Store", which is quietly erected on a small path from the main street of Tenjin, is "Museum Entrance Hall".

We welcome you to a profound appearance, suggesting the historical background that Hakata Port used to be the gateway to foreign trade.

The entrance hall is filled with beauty and warmth and attention to detail of Abherï ’s materials are thoroughly emphasized in the store.

・AbHerï(jewelry and Bridal jewelry)


2-5-55 Tenjin Chuo-ku Fukuoka 810-0001 Japan
Map →

Wednesday - Sunday : 11:00~21:00 
(Closed on Mondays,Tuesday)

※A parking lot is available. If you want to use it, please feel free to ask the staff. (We will give priority to those who make a reservation.)

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